August Newsletter

Aug 01, 2021

Hello my friend!

I wanted to use the opportunity of this newsletter to make a few announcements.

  • I have completely changed the structure of my 1:1 coaching. Although I have always taken a holistic approach with my clients, I am integrating breath work into my programs for healing, transformation and expansion. With this new structure, we will take an inside-out / bottom-up approach. This work is not only about shifting your mindset, it's about completely shifting the stories, limiting beliefs and unconscious beliefs you have about yourself for consistent and sustainable lifestyle changes.
  • With this massive shift, I have completely revamped and UPDATED my website with a more detailed break down of all my packages: who they are for and what you can expect when working with me. 
  • I have also created AND implemented two, six-week breath work series. One is for stress management and the other is for reconnecting and re-aligning with yourself. Each series offers you individualized, guided breath work sessions, as well as audios and worksheets to dive deeper into each week's topic. 
  • My success story page is updated with multiple new testimonials!
  • There's ease of access to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation call.

I am SO excited about all of the changes that have taken place behind the scenes and I KNOW that this work is so crucial for consistent change. Please visit my website to check it out!

If you are someone or know of someone that would benefit from not only health coaching, but from overcoming self-sabotage, negative self-talk or deep healing, please reach out or send my information along. 

If we want to feel better, we need to be better feelers. And if we desire lifelong change, the change starts within. 

I am accepting new clients and am eager to support individuals on their journey. 

Ready to work with a registered nurse health coach?!

The time is NOW!