What's your word for 2021?

Dec 27, 2020

Have you ever considered coming up with a word that would guide you through a decision, or an entire year? This concept is something I started two years ago and it certainly has set the tone for the past two years.

Throughout 2020, I spent most of the year reminding myself of the word I chose: commit. At the beginning of the year when I dedicated 2020 to the word commit, it meant committing to my dreams, my vision, my needs, my wants, my goals and the plans I had put into place. Commit resembled continuing on a course despite the challenges, poor motivation or mood I was in. Commit meant to adapt, pivot and implement changes as needed with keeping the bigger picture in mind. Despite the year 2020 has been, I sit here feeling humble that I committed myself to the person I want to be, my family, my friends, my business - clients and patients, my goals and dreams. 

As I look forward to 2021, the word that will guide me through this year is trust. With this word, I will lean into trusting the process, trusting myself, trusting my emotions, trusting my physical responses to moments and interactions and trusting that wherever I am, is right where I'm meant to be. I am choosing this word for a few reasons. First off, trust does not come easily to me but what I do know is that when when something significant has happened in my life, my intuition knew exactly what I needed to do. I want to foster that trust in my ability to know what's right and what I need to do. I am choosing the word trust because I am at a pivotal point with a few big things and I need to trust that no matter what happens, I will find lessons, growth and strength in myself.

What are your thoughts on identifying one word for 2021? One word as an empowering reminder to continue the pursuit towards your goals and intentions when things get tough. One word you can whisper to yourself when you are faced with a challenging or overwhelming situation or conversation. One word to carry you through challenge and to come out on the other side stronger, more confident and with a sense of pride for sticking with something despite the discomfort it might have caused.

If you want to reach for the best version of yourself, you have to get uncomfortable. You can't grow in your comfort zone. Lean into the discomfort, whisper that word and find yourself one step closer to your vision. 

It's a new year, go again!

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